Map Setup

Map Setup is place with set of options that enables you to change map styles and add google API key.

  1. google api key - Add google api key so you can use map geolocation functionality.

  2. custom map style - Here you can input link to add your custom map styles or use the same map style as we have used on our demo.

Custom Map Styles - What to do when map is not the same as on demo

By default we are not providing map style as used on our demo because we use MapBox software to generate it. When map views reach 50.000 count we would need to start paying for simple style.

So lets se how you can have the same map style as it is used on our demo site or create your own.

Map same as demo / 50.000 views per month allowed:

First of all go to MapBox. Create your profile there and then navigate to studio.

After that please go to styles and click on New Style:

On our demo we have used Basic map style, click on it then on Create and get back to styles.

Now you will see your map style added just like on the picture above. Click on Menu and then on Share, Develop & Use.

On the next page if you scroll a little bit you'll find box called Develop with this style. There click on checkbox to make sure Leaflet is selected and copy the code from the box:

Now go to your site Theme Options Craftsman -> Theme Options -> Map Setup and in the filed Custom Map Style paste the code you copied before:

That's it, now you have the map same as demo. You can do that for every style.

Completely Free Map Solution

To have completely free map solution, please go to following link click on map you wish to use and copy/paste code to theme options like it is displayed in the below image:

Free Maps

Last updated