Role Craftsman

When an user has craftsman role assign to their account they become available to become author of Craftsman post type. Without connecting them with one Craftsman post they will not be able to manage their profile and become visible to job posters ( clients ) and other users. This is only the case if you create craftsman from WordPress Administration, because if user creates its account using registration form it will be automatically done for them.

The next step when you create user with craftsman role is to go to _Craftsmen -> Add New _section from wp admin dashboard and publish new Craftsman post. While creating post make sure that you select author of Craftsman post. Author of post should be user that has craftsman role assign to it.

I did everything as explained but still cannot access my profile on frontend?

If this happens to you than most likely the case is that you have unintentionally missed something of importance. Please carefully check for below things.

  1. You have chosen author of Craftsman post. Go to Craftsmen -> All Craftsman -> YOUR_CRAFTSMAN and see if author of the post is chosen.

This is only relevant if user has account craftsman, for clients it is not relevant.

I did everything as explained but still not showing on search page or single page?

If this happens to you than most likely the case is that user account has been expired or account is not active. Solution is to go to Users -> All Users -> USER and set User Status to Active and User Premium Status to Active or Free Trial.

User Status = Active

User Premium Status = Free Trial / Premium

Last updated